Saturday, April 15, 2006

Trash Metal 101

I would like to announce that James and I spent the morning listening to Def Leppard. I just bought a new 2 CD greatest hits album called Rock of Ages. Ironic, eh? Anyway, James really likes "Bringin' on the heartbreak" and "Pour some sugar on me."

In other news, James experienced a blow-out today, leaving poop all over his back. I assume it is just this kind of malfunctioning that led John to require surgery. Hopefully James will grow out of it and won't follow in his uncle's footsteps in regards to anal functionality.


At 6:37 AM, Blogger Johnny said...

As an update, my anus is doing really quite well. I haven't had a blowout like sweet baby James for sometime. I am relishing the experience of painless sitting even as we speak.


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